Wednesday, February 23, 2011

"Isolés" a novel by my niece...

I started a new novel last night by young Quebecoise, Maryse Dupuy, entitled, "Isolés".

The novel is the end result of a year-long themed project that Secondary 5 IB students of her high school must complete before they graduate. All students chose their theme, planned and set goals for their project and submitted their plan to their teachers. Once the project is completed, the students will also receive a special certificate for this project along with their IB certificate and diploma.

Here's what she says on the inside back cover (translated):
For my personal project, I got the crazy idea to write a novel. It was on our visit to Piriac-Sur-Mer, during our trip to France, that the inspiration came to me.

Although she'd always been top of her class in French (and Engish), she'd never written a novel. So, Maryse took the project by the horns and went for it, devouring all she could on how to write a book, doing exaustive research pertinant to her story and finally, molding that information into the tale that now lies on the printed pages of her novel. (The quaint village that inspired her tale is Piriac-Sur-Mer and pictured on the book cover.)

Here's the hook:
Incitée à voyager par sa grand-mère, une adolescente se rend dans une ville française presque inconnue. Son séjour prend toutefois une direction inattendue…

(Encouraged by her grandmother to travel, a young girl arrives in a little known town in France where her stay takes a unexpected turn....)

I am so impressed by her commitment to the project and thrilled to hear her writer's voice shine throughout the telling of this wonderful story. This is the work of a rising literary star. I'm so proud of her.

My sister Christine, instrumental in so many ways, helped get the book printed at a local shop. When I asked if we should take that "next step" and look into having it published, she told me something that confirmed that Maryse is a true writer, she said "No, Maryse feels it needs to be expanded. There's more story for her to tell..."

Yep, I'd say she's been bitten by the writer's bug!

Congratulations on a wonderful job very well done, Maryse! Je t'aime!

I'll close this post with a note she wrote to me on the dedication page:

Merci ma tante. Tes conseils étaient précieux, tu es une inspiration. Maryse xx


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful accomplishment. Christine has a good reason to be proud of her daughter and talent runs deep within your family.
Such a beautiful dedication to you Lisa. Thanks for sharing this. It's very special. :)

Lisa Forget said...

Thank you Pat!
We can only hope we inspire the younger generation to be the best they can be!
X Lisa