Thursday, June 25, 2020

"Love Eternal" by Lisa Forget - Chapters 7 & 8

Chapter Seven
Talgarth Castle, Wales

5th century 

Maelon’s kiss left Dwynwen breathless. When the Prince released Dwynwen from his arms he whispered, “You’ve bewitched me.”
Dwynwen felt the heat rise in her cheek, and lowered her eyes.
“Look at me, princess.”
Dwynwen met the prince’s stare. "I am bound by your beauty,” he said, his eyes drinking in every detail of her face.
 Maelon gathered her into his arms and Dwynwen lost herself in his touch, his kisses, so ardent they made her light-headed and giddy. Undeniably irresistible, this handsome man with his sweet words and strong embrace made her feel special. How could she not succumb to his magic?  
Was this love? Could it happen so fast?
To be the object of such passionate desire never knowing how she had longed for it. Dwynwen nestled her head against Maelon’s chest, listening to his steady, quick breath. “I have never been happier than at this very moment.”
 “Fate has shone her bright light upon the earth so I may follow it and find you.” Maelon’s grip tightening about her shoulders. “On the last evening of the celebration, once the feast fires have been lit, I shall speak with your father to ask for your hand.”
Dwynwen gasped.
Maelon brought her delicate fingers to his lips. “If you will have me.”
Torn by her feelings for Maelon and her obligations, which she tried to push from her mind, Dwynwen stood speechless.
“You are silent. Have I mistaken…?”
She leaned forward, silencing the prince with a kiss.
“You have not mistaken my feelings for you,” she whispered against his lips. In that moment, Dwynwen could do nothing but give Maelon her heart. “Speak with my father.”
Maelon’s eyes widened and a smile lit up his face. “You are beautiful.”
He caressed Dwynwen’s cheek. “I would like nothing more than to stay here in this garden and admire you until the sun rises, alas, I think it is time to return to your father’s celebration.”
“We have been gone for some time,”  Dwynwen replied. “My sister must be looking for me.”
“Ah yes, your sister.  We would not want to worry her.”
The prince led the princess to the entrance and they re-entered the castle, one after the other.
Once Dwynwen slipped back into the great hall she quickly met her youngest brother who was seeking her advice on how best to approach the daughter of one of the visiting noblemen.
A moment later,  the prince entered with confidence, holding a cup of wine in his hand. Leaning against the far wall, he sipped his drink in an unhurried manner.
Maelon and Dwynwen’s yes met from across the room. His gaze caressed her slender figure. Dwynwen’s cheeks flushed as her brother tirelessly chatted beside her unaware that she was mesmerized by the regal figure staring at her from across the room, and did not hear a word he saying to her.
Maelon Daffrodil appeared to Dwynwen to be as calm as the seas of summer, while her own heart beat as wild as an unexpected winter storm.   

Chapter Eight

After shelving the items she’d purchased from Mr. McNally, Gwen wandered up to her room slipped into a flannel nightgown and curled up on her bed. Pulling her knees close to her chest, she took out the condolence card from Mr. Pryce, studying it as she hummed a melody to herself, a wordless tune her mother sang to her when she was a little girl. Although, she didn’t know the name of the haunting melody, it always comforted her.

On the night table beside the bed lay her mother’s journal.  She never would have dreamed of reading her mother’s private musings, but now she felt it might hold some information that could be important. She tucked the card into the journal and tentatively opened the book to the first page dated September 1, 1915.
Flipping through the pages, Gwen was surprised to find that the journal contained not only personal thoughts and ideas,  but accounts and details about her ancestors, he Brecons. She noted their arrival to Canada in 1842, and listed several births and deaths. Her mother had a talent for drawing and in the middle of the journal she had sketched a beautiful oak tree. On each of the branches, names were scripted in her fine hand. However, the sketch seemed unfinished as there were many branches with no name or information. In that moment, Gwen promised herself that one day she would complete the work her mother had begun so many years ago, once she’d done some of her own research.
 “Brecon,” she read aloud from the explanation in the journal’s pages which cited the name originated from the fifth century Welsh king, known as Brychan of Brycheiniog.
“Bra-hi-nee-ock.” When she said it aloud, the unusual name tripped over her tongue, and she realised it was the same name Mr. Pryce mentioned earlier.
According to notes in the journal, it was also the origins of her mother’s maiden name.
She turned the gold pendant in her fingers, her brain wrapping itself around the discovery.  Was it a coincidence, or was it possible he was telling the truth and the two families were connected, as far back as the firth century?
Gwen wondered that if it were true, what could be so urgent that after all these years Mr. Pryce should come all the way from Wales to make his claim. What could be so important?
She closed the journal, returning it to the night table, pondering the question as she glanced out the window.
It had grown dark, the sun, only a memory now, had given its place to the light of the moon.  The weight of the events of the day, and the questions conjured up from reading through the journal, had suddenly made her feel drained of energy and she fought back a yawn. She settled herself under the covers of her bed.
“I miss you mum,” she said, and then drifted off to sleep.

Running through the trees, fleeing from a dark and unseen force, she desperately tried to keep her feet from tangling with the linen fabric of the shift that whipped and stung her bare legs.
The moment she thought she could go no further, the trees opened upon a small clearing.
Time itself ceased ticking and everything stilled around her.
She slowed her pace, walking tentatively into the clearing, before her, an ancient stone chapel glowed a bright light, its warmth emanated from within, beckoning her to come near. With each step she took,  the air began to vibrate until the night was filled with a resonance both eerie and beautiful.
The music encircled her as she stood frozen on the steps of the stone building, unable to move, unable to breathe.
Images flooded her mind, bringing her to her knees. The feeling that she unworthy of  experiencing such beauty and holiness overcame her. Then suddenly, the thought of others finding out the truth made her gasp for breath. Her mind reeled with fear and confusion.
What truth? she whispered.
She attempted to form a comprehensible explanation from the barrage of images, but none came.
She lifted her eyes to the sky and filled her lungs with a cleansing breath. The images faded and her thoughts became clearer.
 This was a place of refuge; she could feel it in her soul. But where was she and why was she here?
Shaking off the feeling of unworthiness, she regained her courage and moved closer to the chapel, drawn to it like a cold body to a warm fire. An overwhelming sense of peace washed over her as she touched the aged wood of the chapel door.  The need to anchor herself, to surrender and become one with this holy place was greater than she could understand. As her fingers reached for the latch, the peaceful feeling that had enveloped her was obliterated by the violence of hands appearing from out of the dark, tearing her away from the warm light.
A scream escaped her throat as she fought the hands that gripped her. She begged to stay in the light. She struggled against the force holding her back from her holy refuge, vehemently denouncing the evil dragging her back into darkness of the forest.
The rustling of leaves and the snap of branches ceased.  All was quiet for a brief moment, and then her cries rose as the sound of linen being ripped to shreds echoed in the dense air.

“No!” Gwen awoke with a cry that mirrored the one she’d heard in her nightmare.
Gasping for breath, she looked down to where a scorching heat seared through her chest.
The pendant glowed orange.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

"Love Eternal" by Lisa Forget - Chapters 5 & 6

Chapter Five

Dwynwen was enjoying the company of her dear friend Enide when the stranger arrived. Dressed in a crimson tunic and black cloak embroidered in gold flowing from his shoulders to the floor,  his regal and self-assured manner commanded her attention as he entered the great hall.  No one would dare challenge his lineage, the mark of his heraldry sat bejewelled and fastened on his right shoulder. 
The eyes of everyone present focused on the stranger, yet intent on paying his respects to his host, the young man did not acknowledge them.
Dwynwen stood with her gaze fixed on the fair-haired young man, and like the rest of the women in the room, she had fallen under his spell. He crossed the hall in tempo with the beating of her heart.
No sky could compare with the colour of the prince’s eyes, of this Dwynwen was certain. His strong facial features were framed by soft wisps of his hair, the colour of sunlight. An imposing figure, he stood a hand taller than her father and his shoulders spanned two hands broader.
He came alone with no accompanying entourage, a fact which left Dwynwen puzzled.
“Who is he?” Enide whispered as the stranger approached.
“I…I do not know.” Dwynwen stammered.
As he passed by the place where she stood, the young man turned, his lips curved into a smile as his gaze met hers.
Dwynwen gasped. Had he truly given her his attention?  She lowered her eyes to the floor and swallowed. Enide reached out and squeezed her hand.
 “I am Prince Maelon, son of King Dafodril.” She heard him say. “My father sends his deepest regrets. He is unwell at present and unable to make the journey. I have the honour of representing him this evening.” His voice held the power to mesmerize and seduce.
“You are most welcome here at Talgarth.” King Brychan motioned to an empty seat by the hearth. “Join us.”
Prince Maelon, smiled, pleased at the invitation. A servant offered a cup of wine to the young prince. Lifting the vessel to his lips, he emptied the contents in one swallow and sat down with the group gathered at the King’s side.
“Is he not the most handsome man here?” asked Dwynwen’s youngest sister, swooning behind her.
“Yes.” Dwynwen replied in a hushed and breathless tone as she studied the contours of the prince’s face. “He is.”
Glanced back at the prince, she saw him engaged in conversation with her uncle. The older man seemed taken with him, laughing and patting the young man on the shoulder, as though they were old friends.
Throughout the evening the Prince demonstrated his easy manner, from the humble servant, to the king. A cup of wine in hand, a witty tale on his lips and a gleam of mischief in his eye, in the short time since he had arrived, the prince had charmed all in attendance.
She hoped his popularity would not oblige him to sit with her father and his councilmen for the duration of the evening.
            “I dare say Prince Maelon is one of the most intriguing men I have ever seen,” Enide whispered as they bowed to their dance partners.
“Indeed.” Dwynwen replied as she was led once more in the dance.

#                                  #                                  #

The Prince observed the young women celebrating in the great hall. The one whom had stood out from the moment he’d arrived was, at present, standing much too far away for his liking.
She’d been observing him as he had made his introduction to the king. The manner of concern and admiration she displayed toward the older man with whom he spoke, was befitting of a close relation. She surely must be one, of the reputed many, of his children.
He felt her gaze upon him, as she studied him as well. They acknowledged each other with a nod, and the experienced prince knew the blush that rose on her cheek confirmed a mutual attraction. No doubt it would lead to an evening of stolen glances. Prince Maelon would ensure, over the next days of celebration, it would also lead to much more.
* * * *
As the festivities continued, Dwynwen felt the prince’s presence, as she danced with cousin Ifor, and as she mingled among the guests. Moving about the great hall she felt his eyes upon her, as he watched from the shadows.
Later in the evening, while with a group of her sisters, Dwynwen shivered as the prince’s hand slid up her hip and rested on her lower back. He stood close to her, while he distracted her sister.
She caught his eye and the look she saw there made Dwynwen’s heart race. She let out a burst of nervous laughter.
 “Are you all right, sister?” her sister Ceinwen asked,  
 “Please excuse me,” Prince Maelon said before kissing Dwynwen’s hand. He turned, bowed to Ceinwen and then he left.
Dwynwen watched as the prince exiting through the doorway across the room
“Yes. I am… well,”  Dwynwen replied, avoiding her sister’s observant gaze for she would surely know she did not speak the truth.
For she was not well at all. She was in complete danger.
Of  falling in love.
The moment the thought crossed her mind, a group of men by the hearth began to sing, Dwynwen heard her father’s deep bass voice booming over the others. He motioned for Ceinwen to join him. She had a lovely voice, pure and true. The tone of her light descant joined her father’s, dancing above the ever-rousing chorus.
Dwynwen stood back and glanced across the room. The Prince stepped out of the doorway, motioning to her to follow him.
She quietly stole away from the great hall.
* * * *
Leaving the guests and the festivities behind, they rushed out into the garden.
Dwynwen slowed her step a few paces away from where the prince waited under the majestic oak.
“I should not be here alone with you,” she said, breathless.
“Oh no.” The Prince took Dwynwen’s hand, pulling her closer to him. He stared into her eyes. “You certainly should not.”
The heat in Dwynwen’s cheeks rose when the prince traced her lips with his finger.  Her heart beat a frantic tattoo. She closed her eyes as she tried to steady herself.
“Let me see you, my beautiful princess.” He lifted her chin. You have taken my breath away.” Nervous, Dwynwen pulled away.
“Are you frightened of me?” he asked, breathing the words into her ear.
“No.” She avoided his gaze.
“Then why do you look away?”  He cupped her face.
“I feel strange.” Her eyes focused on his chest. “My heart beats fast, I cannot breathe.”
“Your words fill me with… joy,” he said as his fingers traveled across her brow, her cheek. “I cannot think of my life without your beauty in it.” His hand rested on her slender neck. Dwynwen swayed into his embrace. The prince swung her around, pressing her back against the oak tree.
“I am yours,” he said.
Dwynwen gasped as the bark cut into her delicate skin forcing the air from her lungs. She stared into Maelon’s striking blue eyes. She had never been this close to a man. His breath was ragged, and coming fast, his gaze unfocused and his hard body aroused. Surprised by her reaction of desire, and the unexpected feeling of anticipation making her light-headed, Dywnwen did not struggle to pull away from Maelon, she was captivated.
Hidden from view by the large tree, the Prince brushed his lips against hers. Dwynwen arched into him. He savoured her lips gently, but quickly his kiss grew deep and passionate, allowing the prince to taste her innocence.
Time stood still for Dwynwen as the prince held her in his arms, aware only was she, of the fire burning in her heart.

Chapter Six

After leaving the parsonage, Gwen strolled toward McNally and Son, the local grocery store on Main Road.  A bell sounded her arrival. The portly proprietor turned with a smile. 
“Well good morning to ya. Gwen.”  Mr. McNally’s Irish brogue rang thick. He put down the box of supplies he was shelving. “How can we help you today?” 
“I’ll take a pint of milk.” Gwen stepped over to a small pile of baskets placed near the entrance,“and I’ll look around for the rest.”
“All right. Here you go.” He placed the milk on the counter and his expression softened. “She was a good soul yer ma. If we can help ya in any way, be sure to let us know.”
“Thank you.” Gwen replied.
Mr. McNally returned to stocking the shelves. Gwen wended her way through the shop filling her basket.
Mrs. McNally appeared from the storeroom in time to ring up Gwen’s purchases. A boisterous and charming woman in her mid-fifties, Gwen always thought that she resembled the Campbell’s soup girl from magazine advertisements. They exchanged pleasantries and Mrs. McNally echoed her husband’s sentiments while adding a loaf of soda bread into the paper bag, free of charge. After paying for her purchases, Gwen headed for the door, promising she would stop in the following week.
The scent of spring wafted on the warm breeze greeting her as she stepped onto the sidewalk, her face warmed by the sunshine, she walked straight into Mr. Pryce’s broad chest.
“Let me help you,” he said, saving the grocery bag from tumbling out of her arms.
“You disappear, and now you’re following me?”  Her tone accusatory.
“No, of course not.” he replied, but the glint of sun shone so bright Gwen couldn’t tell if he was smiling. “I had upset you and thought it best to leave.”
“Do you always barge into people’s homes, upsetting their lives?”
“I did not barge into your home. You invited me in.” He turned, gripping the bag, and began to walk away.
“Where are you going?”
“I’ll help you home with these.”
“I don’t need help.”
“Yes, you do.”
 “Who do you think you are?” She followed after him. 
“I told you my name,” he replied, looking straight ahead.
“Yes, but who are you?” she asked again, trying to keep up with his long strides.
 “If you hadn’t fainted earlier,” he said, abruptly turning to face her. “I would have told you.”
“Well tell me now.”
“I am a descendant of Liam ap Rhys, who was a great friend of Dwynwen of Brycheiniog.”
“How nice for you. And you think that’s supposed to explain everything? I won’t apologize for what happened earlier, now tell me how any of that has anything to do with me?”
“Did you hear anything I said?” He shook his head as though she was daft and then pivoted, making his way down the street. “It has everything to do with you.”
 “I don’t understand. I don’t even know Dwynwen of Bri..Bri…” she stuttered, struggling to pronounce the Welsh name while keeping up with his long strides.
“Brycheiniog. Don’t insult me by claiming you’ve never heard of your ancestor.” He gave her an accusing glance.
She realized they had an audience. Mrs. Lindsay and her eldest daughter Jean were watching them from across the road. Gwen waved. The women returned the gesture and hurried into the bakery. Jean took one last glance over her shoulder before she followed after her mother.
Gwen’s eyes darted back to Mr. Pryce, her voiced lowered. “Yes, I am telling you I’ve never heard of those people. You seem to know more about my family than I do.”
“That is ridiculous. I can’t believe that a per—”
“The family I know are dead, Mr. Pryce.”
Her words silenced him. After a thoughtful moment he said, “A person should know their family’s history. They have a right to this knowledge.”
“Well, I wish I did, but I unfortunately don’t have the luxury,” she said affronted. “I’ll be frank with you Mr. Pryce, your arrogance is irritating.”
“My arrogance?”  He cocked his head. His eyes glittered.
“I’m sorry that I don’t know anything about what you’re saying, however ridiculous that may sound.” She ripped the grocery bag from his arms. “What I do know is your request to go to Wales is ridiculous!”
Flustered, she spun on her heel, leaving him to stare after her.
He watched her set off down the road, her gait determined and furious. Her long wavy tresses bounced with each step. She didn’t look back to give him another fiery glare or she would have seen him gaping at her, with his hand running through his hair, and a ghost of a smile on his lips.
* * * *
Gwen marched down the long road, mumbling to herself, as the thick paper of the grocery bag crackled under the force of her grip.
“What an arrogant ass.”
When she reached her house, she ran up the porch steps and fumbled with her keys, nearly dropping the groceries as she opened the door. She looked over her shoulder at the empty street. A part of her, she was ashamed to admit, had hoped he’d follow her.
Why couldn’t she have controlled her temper? Then again, how dare he come and put all these ideas in her head, making her think about him? 
She closed the door with her hip and stomped to the kitchen. Placing the bag on the table she paced around the kitchen mumbling as she vented her frustration at being an emotional mess. What kind of person acted like this, after having buried her mother only a week ago? It was a time for grieving and healing not a time to be selfishly thinking about Liam Pryce.
Handsome, irritating…Welshman who intrigued her since the day in the cemetery, which was utterly, and unforgivably, crazy. Was her grief to blame for making her imagine how wonderful it might feel to have his arms around her while standing at the top of the Snowdonia mountains, even thought she had no idea what they looked like? 
“Arghhh… madness!” Gwen growled, fisting her hands.
Wait a minute.
Was she truly entertaining the thought of going to Wales with Liam Pryce, of exploring the family connection he claimed they shared? Did men like Liam make vulnerable women confused and illogical?
Gwen had no idea. She was no expert on men. The only one she was remotely interested in was the man Liam had mentioned earlier, John Allen. An old friend from school and nurse Nancy Allen’s younger brother. They’d gone out on a few casual dates last fall and planned to go to the Spring Social in a few weeks. John had never sparked anything other than friendship, a far cry from the feelings racing through her blood for Mr. Pryce.
She breathed a heavy sigh, regretting having stormed off this afternoon. Wasn’t finding out more about him one of her goals when she’d set out today. What did he think of her?  She wondered if she’d ever see Liam Pryce again.
Drifting into the parlour, she returned to where her life had taken a strange turn this morning and she looked up at her grandmother’s portrait.
“What am I supposed to do, Nan?” she asked aloud.
Shaking her head at the realization that she was talking to herself, she got up and moved over to the window where the bouquet of roses drooped. They were wilted and forlorn.
            The tip of a white envelope poked out from the baby’s breath. Gwen slipped it from its hiding place, pulled out the card and her breath caught in her throat.
 “Dear Miss Evans, my deepest sympathy on the loss of your beloved mother.” Signed, “Sincerely, Mr. Liam Pryce.”
She had assumed they were from her mother’s friends. Never did she think otherwise.
The sentiments were written on a note card from The Traveller’s Inn, in Placentia, one town over. She should have guessed.
Rereading the card several times and absently touching where the ink met the paper, Gwen stared at Mr. Pryce’s elegant handwriting. The card clearly indicated where he was staying. Gwen looked back at her grandmother’s portrait and smiled.
“I guess I’ve got my answer.”
Mr. Pryce would be receiving a visitor, bright and early tomorrow morning.

"Love Eternal" by Lisa Forget- Chapters 3 & 4

Chapter Three

Talgarth Castle, Wales
5th century

            Dwynwen was greeted by a familiar melody as she descended the stairs of Talgarth castle. The May carol rang from the harp in the great hall and she could not help but hum along in harmony.
            Since the break of dawn, the castle was alive with the sound of servants preparing for the feast of Nos Calan Mai, the eagerly anticipated celebration of fertility and new life.
            She peered into the great hall before joining her family standing near the main entrance decorated with branches of draenen wen, laden with plump, red berries. The tapestries had been cleaned and now adorned the stone walls aglow from thrushes lit and hung about the room. The fire roared in the hearth filling the room with warmth and a sweet, fruity scent .
“I was beginning to wonder what was keeping you.” Ceinwen whispered. “Father requests we be ready for the arrival of our guests,” her sister said, gesturing toward their father arriving from his council chamber in his festive robe and tunic.
“Come.” Dwynwen took her sister’s hand scurrying over to him, placing a kissed on his cheek.
“There you are,” he said. “My two beauties.”
Delicate features, radiant complexions with sparkling eyes, his daughters warmed his heart with their love of life.
“I am truly blessed.” King Brychan of Brycheiniog turned to his family,  waiting by his side. “Let the merriment commence!”
The doors opened and visitors from the bordering kingdoms of Dyfed and Glywysing entered Talgarth castle.  Within moments, cups and trenchers were filled to overflowing, and conversations regarding the sporting games and the choosing of the May King and Queen could be overheard. Eager to participate, many young women hoped to be crowned May Queen.
“Go.” King Brychan addressed his children, a cup of mead in his hands. “Enjoy the festivities.”
“You are most gracious, father.” Nectan, the king’s eldest son, bowed and then offered his arm to his sisters.“ Come, I will escort you.”
With eyes aglow with excitement, Dwynwen and Ceinwen followed their father on the arm of the heir to the throne.
“Dwynwen, Ceinwen!” The voice of their cousin Ifor echoed above the music. “May we have the pleasure of your company for the next dance?” 
“You haven’t promised it to anyone else, have you?”  His twin brother Tomos asked, stepping in their path.
“How could we?” Ceinwen smiled, turning to greet her cousin.
“We promised the first dance to you.” Dwynwen added. “If we may, dear brother?”
“Yes, of course.” Nectan nodded. “Ifor, Tomos, I am very pleased to see you again.”
“We are, as well.” The brothers replied.
The sisters took their cousins’ proffered hands and joined in the dancing where the pipers delighted the guests with a quick melody. The sisters were fluid dancers, and the foursome danced throughout the night.  
Dwynwen’s sweet smile captivated the hearts of many young men, as they longed to steal her away from her dancing partners, but none more than the regal one who had been watching her every move.  He decided she was by far the prettiest of all the women in the room.
She was perfect, and in so being, she would be his.

Chapter Four

Gwen’s eyes sprang open. She pushed herself up from the cushions of the settee in the parlour. She felt her hair falling loose against her shoulders, no longer tied back.
“What happened?”
“You fainted.” Mr. Pryce turned from the window, the gold pendant that had been swinging like a pendulum in his hands, stilled.
 “How do you feel?” Mr. Pryce asked.
“I don’t know. How should I feel?” Annoyed, she padded the cushions, searching for her hair clip. “I’ve never fainted before.”
“You’ve been through so much, you said so yourself. Perhaps more than I’d imagined.” He slid the pendant back into its pouch. “Now that you are recovered, I will take my leave so you may rest, Miss Evans.” He took his hat and make his way to the front door. “I shouldn’t have come.  I apologize for adding to your burden.”
“But—" Bewildered, Gwen stared at the door, wondering what exactly had happened in this morning and how, in only a few moments, her simple life could be filled with so many questions. She sprang to the window but Mr. Pryce was nowhere in sight. She threw open the door and dashed down the porch steps. Turning in a circle, she glanced around, but the man had disappeared, just as he had a few days ago.
Only this time she knew who he was.
Liam Pryce.
Leaning against the post, the things he’d said to her came flooding back. Nothing made sense, but neither did mysterious whispers and humming noises. Could they all be connected? She had to find out more about Mr. Liam Pryce from Wales.  A stranger in a small and protective town like Angel’s Cove didn’t usually go unnoticed, especially if he had been asking making inquiries. Her most reliable source of information was sitting in the front office of the parish parsonage, and she had an appointment with him this morning. Running back into the house, she gathered her things and left, slamming the door on her way out.
Mr. Pryce felt the vibrations of the front door banging shut, and Gwen’s determined footsteps descending the stairs, as he leaned against the side of the Evans’ home. Catching his breath and bracing himself against the pain in his chest, he waited until Miss Evans’ footsteps faded before venturing back out onto the road.
* * * *
“Gwen. I’m happy to see you,” Reverend Matthews said as he opened the door.
“I’m sorry I’m late.”
“No, you’re right on time,” he replied, leading her to his office. “Please excuse the mess.  I’m attempting to do some filing.”
She noticed papers strewn across his desk. The paperwork her mother usually took care of, no doubt. The reverend looked tired. His face looked older, his eyes, dimmer. Gwen wondered when he’d hire a replacement. Her heart ached at the thought.
“Let me clear a spot,” he said, straightening up his desk. “Here, sit down.”
“Thank you.” She took a seat in front of his desk. “I’m so grateful for your help.”
“Your mother was… well, you know.” He slid some files into the top drawer of his desk and sat down in his chair. Swallowing hard he looked up. An unguarded truth about how much he loved her mother, shone in his eyes, confirming what Gwen had always suspected. “I’m happy to help you, in any way I can.”
 “You were special to her as well.  I hope you know that.”
The reverend, lowered his head and nodded. “Thank you for saying so. Should we get started on this paperwork?”
“Of course. But before we do, I just wanted to tell you that I had a visitor this morning, a man from Wales claiming to have known my mother’s family.”
“From Wales?’
 “Liam Pryce,” Gwen replied. “Have you heard of him. He says our families are somehow connected.”
“I can’t say that I have.” He looked puzzled. “Is he a relative?”
“No, I don’t think so.” She took the pendant from around her neck and placed it on the desk.  “Look at what Mum left me. Her letter said it had been in her family for years, but I’d never seen it before. Mr. Pryce had one exactly like it.” 
“It’s a Celtic cross, a common religious symbol,” the reverend said, shrugging. “Perhaps it’s a coincidence that they look similar.”
“There are exactly alike, and both have an inscription on the back.”
The reverend turned the pendant over in his hands.
 “According to Mr. Pryce, it’s written in Welsh, and it says ‘a cross to guide us and a never-ending circle to bind us forever’. His pendant had the same inscription. It can’t be a coincidence.”
“That does seem odd,” he mused.  “And this last word here, is that your grandmother’s name?”
“Mr. Pryce said the name actually belongs to one of our ancestors. That a connection exists because of the name, and the two pendants”
“I’m sure he intended to only offer his condolences and used the pendant as a way to start conversation.”  He handed the pendant back to her. “Perhaps he’s a history and genealogy enthusiast.”
“He did seem to know a lot about that sort of thing, but he didn’t stay long so I didn’t get a chance to ask,”  she said, deciding against telling him what they had actually talked about.  “So, you haven’t heard gossip about a stranger in town and where he might be staying?”
“No, I’m afraid not.” His brow furrowed.  “Is everything all right?  Was the visit unpleasant? Did he try—?”
“Oh no. Nothing like that. I guess I was just caught off-guard about the pendant, especially since Mum never mentioned it before. I’d be interested to know more.”
 “Well, your mother kept a lot of things to herself, so don’t be vexed about that.”
“I’m not.”
“And, I’ve haven’t really been out this past week, so I’ve not heard anything, but Mrs. Reilly might know. She knows everything.”
 Gwen chuckled. “I’ll ask her, when I visit Anne later.”
“Well now my curiosity is piqued,” the reverend said, sliding a folder across the desk.
Gwen opened the folder and took the pen the reverend offered to her.
“So is mine,” she whispered.